Tarya discovers something strange about herself on her 11th birthday. Whatever she dreams seems to come true. The problem is, she doesn’t always dream nice things. In fact, one of her visions leads to a terrible tragedy. She is afraid of her dreams, which now prove to be actual visions and she doesn’t know how to stop them. She finally gets an explanation from her Aunt on her sixteenth birthday. In fact, her visions turn out to be much more important than she thought. They might give her the ability to change the future. Can Tarya learn to use her powers properly and find a way to prevent anything misfortunes from happening, or will she just cause more trouble by trying to change the future?
The Paris Orphans: A heart-wrenching and moving WW2 historical fiction short story (The Paris Sister...
Last Night at the Nowhere Cliff: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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