Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 1st - 5th Oct 17
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Do you want your child to be rich? Do you want them to have everything that you couldn’t afford? Do you want your child to be successful, both at school and beyond?

What if I told you there was ONE thing you could do that could give your child all that and more? What if I told you that it wouldn’t cost you a cent? What if I told you it was easy to do and that you already have all the skills you need?

It is well documented that language skills are key to determining whether your child will be rich or poor. The “30 million word gap” between rich and poor kids has become a catchcry for early childhood education. But being a parent is daunting and as any time poor new parent will tell you, it’s difficult enough to have a shower or even get a few minutes of sleep. The volumes of educational materials available and long checklists of things you should be doing really aren’t helpful.

If you are like me, by the time you’ve read the lists of dozens of things you should be doing, you will be lucky to remember one. Or worse yet, you feel guilty that you are the only one of your friends that hasn’t read even one 300 page parenting guide. But there is hope!

You can teach your child to be rich and successful. And there is only ONE thing you need to remember to do each day. That ONE thing will have a dramatic impact on your child’s development and you can rest easy that your child will have the same opportunities as rich kids do to succeed in life. So what are you waiting for! Let’s get talking.

Free on 1st - 5th Oct 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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