
Free on 10th - 11th Jan 14
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Why is it that Cupid’s arrows sometimes miss their mark? It’s that sinking feeling when, for example, your partner washes the dishes, while you would have preferred a bunch of roses. Dr Kay Brügge’s insight is that these loving acts, these Cupid arrows, are a form of currency exchanged between two people. We don’t interact, we transact.

The 4 Couple Currencies provides the key to understanding the mysteries of relationship dynamics. It unravels the complexities of what we give to our relationships, what we expect in return and what is expected of us. This book revolutionizes our way of understanding how we act and react in a couple and family scenario. Couple currencies are the words, gestures, behaviors and actions that dictate the dynamics of relationships. By using currencies, we express our feelings–we make our love tangible–and we hope that our partners reciprocate. Challenges can arise if we repeatedly use currencies that our partner doesn’t recognize or value. As a result they may not reciprocate. When currencies fail to hit the mark, we start doubting the relationship, become confused or feel unloved; even rejected.

Couple Currencies speaks to the very heart of those soul-wrenching failures and heartwarming triumphs we experience in the ups and downs of relationships. In addition, this book contains practical advice on how you too can balance your relationship’s requirements against your own needs, dreams and goals, and avoid slipping into a relationship imbalance.

Free on 10th - 11th Jan 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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