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She was born blind and deaf, like the rest of the Prim, but she wasn’t accepted by the others. The rest of the Prim saw her as the carrier of tainted blood. She was born of a human father and a human mother and she was, therefore, tainted. They referred to her as a Baran-Dak-Toi, labeling her as a carrier of tainted blood, and set out to find and kill her before she could corrupt their blood line.

But she had other plans.

Her city, Messolin, once a great society as well as a great city, had broken and was spread out amongst the lands surrounding the city. The people of Messolin were fractured into different factions based on race, and beliefs. From birth, Jo-Laina believed the city could and should be re-united again, and the society rebuilt, but squabbles between the divisions made combining into one unit impossible.

Panpar, a wise wanderer, and prophetic dreamer, foresaw a great set of Prim twins, both completely human, being born within his lifetime. He set out as a young man to hunt down these two twins, finding them wouldn’t be easy, because human Prim were not considered ‘appropriate’, but he searched, and eventually found them.

He told them of a legend that would enable them to fight against the Prim who controlled the inner walls of the city. Possessing the Pockets of the Prim would enable Jo-Laina and her sister Jo-Vanna to overcome the Prim, take back the city, and allow the rest of the citizens their true birth-rites to the city.

But her plans didn’t quite match his either.

Free on 1st - 5th Dec 14
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