Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 25th - 27th Feb 16
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This book is about the things that are happening while humanity is lost in the rat-race. Most humans are trapped in their own ‘issues’ and they don’t have enough time to look at the world. And so, you wouldn’t blame them for not being aware of the evolving Earth. The book speaks not just about what humans aren’t taking notice of, but also what they haven’t understood yet. It’s unfortunate that most of us hold an incorrect belief about certain things on the Earth. But the book tries to expose what has been a long standing lie.

The moon gleams in the night sky, and casts light onto the Earth; and the poets go wild with musings. But the book addresses the subject of moon and exposes it as a hi-tech device. The moon isn’t natural as you were led to believe. It was merely brought into orbit around the Earth. The exact purpose of the moon may be hard to establish, but to hazard a guess; it may be a communication center. There’s evidence put forward to support the theory that the moon is only a device. And another wild finding is that it will move away from the Earth in the future!

Another thing that is slowly becoming apparent is the alien presence on the Earth. Although many sightings have been recorded, the masses are still skeptical about the aliens being on Earth. The aliens aren’t merely recent visitors but have in fact been coming to the Earth since ages ago. But the aliens exist in a higher dimension, beyond the window of our 3D reality, and so we can’t commune directly with them. However, this doesn’t mean that the aliens don’t reach out to us. In fact, the aliens aren’t strictly from the skies, and some alien entities are from another dimension.

It is due to the ET presence on the Earth that we have hybrids. The ET’s have started a breeding program where they are creating a new race of beings commonly termed hybrids. The hybrids are infiltrating our everyday lives and passing off as humans. From the outside, they are every inch as human as the guy next to them, but they have alien souls. These hybrids seem to be able to do things that normal humans aren’t capable of. And in this sense, they’re strong and gifted.

The reader is enlightened on a number of issues affecting our world at present. But more importantly, the writer emphasizes that humans are helpless against fate.

Free on 25th - 27th Feb 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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