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Free on 20th - 22nd May 24
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“Overall, The Birth of Death is definitely recommended to fans of LOTR and Game of Thrones.” – Readers’ Favorite 5-Star Review
The second edition of the critically-acclaimed 5-star fantasy epic, The Birth of Death takes readers on an unforgettable fantasy adventure.
Re-released in collaboration with Free Dragon Press, the Enhanced Second Edition brings all the excitement of the initial release in a more refined package. It opens up this epic fantasy series with excitement and adventure.Discover the world of Evorath, a magical land with a diverse population of mythical creatures. As you pay a visit to Erathal forest, everything looks nice and peaceful on the surface. With this story of fantasy & magic, author Joseph Macolino demonstrates that what you see on the surface is not always what you get. Meet Artimus, the head investigator for the elvish kingdom of Erathal who begins to notice the flaws in his apparently perfect society. As he develops feelings for Savannah, a beautiful elvish druid hiding an important secret, he struggles to separate his personal feelings from his responsibilities to the kingdom. In a nearby centaur village, the young warrior Irontail struggles to distinguish himself in a tribe where independent thought is discouraged. When their paths cross, they both discover that their own people’s shortcomings may be the least of their concerns. Putting aside their own personal troubles, they must fight against the clock to ensure the very survival of their peoples. As they work towards this common goal, they find that they each have their own, unique gifts to offer. But, will they be strong enough to survive? The first tale of many taking place in the world of Evorath, this series gives readers the thrill of a fantasy epic while introducing heroes that probably have more flaws than they do good. One thing is for sure: at the end of it all, nothing will be the same.If you are looking for an elves fantasy adventure with demons, centaur, dark elves, magic, and mystery, this is the place to start.

Free on 20th - 22nd May 24
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