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Free on 3rd - 7th Feb 17
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Learn how to cook, create and conserve

In an age where distraction and time management are the norm cooking is probably the least of our problems. Further to that problem is the way in which some of us view the world in general, so much so that the rat-race has given nothing but headaches. This is why those of us retreat into the wilds or venture out on the road to nowhere and everywhere.

How to properly manage storage in your home, tent or RV

Don’t let other guides fool you, when you’re out of space, you’re out of time. Having a well-stocked pantry requires patience, persistence and frugality and whether you’re feeding a family of four or just yourself and a lonely yellow dog following the rules will only get you so far.

A humorous guide that will inspire, enrage and enlighten

Today’s society is awash in political correctness and safe space morality, but it doesn’t have to be. Take a page from our grandfathers who actually had to survive without the aid of digital technology; when walking five miles to school was the norm and milk came from a cow not from a carton. If the lights went out and you couldn’t power your iPad or that $300 espresso machine how would you cope? How would you eat those TV dinners if the microwave was as useless as a five wheeled car? And exactly how long could you survive stuck inside your house when the food runs out?

Where would you go?
What skills do you have?Can you live off the grid?
Do you even know how to change a tire?

The Brain Surgeon’s Guide to Cooking & Surviving is not merely a book for clueless kitchen whiners it’s also an entertaining and serious spotlight on how to thrive off the grid. Filled with genuflecting insights, this Comprehensive Guide for Idiots just might actually save you from yourselves.

How to conserve and manage storage
Cooking for novices and learning about the basics
From preparing meals in the home or the RVWhat to shop for and how to maintain a stocked pantryThe inside scoop to many of your basic foodsFun Facts

Free on 3rd - 7th Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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