The summer that changed everything…
Lizzie Beaumont has it all: a great career, a wealthy fiancé, and the wedding of her dreams just months away. But when her fiancé puts work before her again, she sets off for a week in the picturesque town of Hope Cove. She?s hoping for time away from the chaos to find herself.
Instead, she finds Max.
When the gorgeous guy next door asks her for decorating help, Lizzie finds herself all too eager to please. The week she expected to drag suddenly flies by, and before she knows it, she has to return to her other life. The life with the impending marriage and the fiancé she loves.
Or does she?
One week with Max has left her questioning her life choices. Is her fiancé the man of her dreams, or just the man who asked? Now Lizzie must decide what her life will be. Will she go for the safe and predictable route, or take a chance on a man she hardly knows? No matter what she does, someone?s heart is going to break. She just doesn?t want it to be hers.
Free on 10th - 14th Aug 23

" An excellent example of the genre and those looking for a happy ever after romance should give it a read"
Reviewer: Angel for Bookangel.
Elizabeth Beaumont has a steady job and was to be married to her partner Phil whileputting up with her younger sister Josie. However the break they planned together goes awry when Phil is unable to go due to work and Liz has beenchallenged by her boss to go the whole time without looking at her emails. So Liz heads away for the break, to Hope Cove, and finds herself charmed byboth the area and her neighbour for the next few days, Max. Liz suddenly finds herself, not just falling in love but evaluating her whole life. At theend of the week she finds that her life is not what she wanted, but as she is getting married leaves without confessing to Max, who is in the samesituation as her. But on her return, when she turns her life upside down, she finds her thoughts drifting back to Hope Cove and Max over and overagain.
This is a wonderful relaxing romance to read through from start to finish giving exactly what you would expect in the genre. The characters are byturn funny and relatable, with each playing the part they need to to help Liz on her journey. The plot ticks along nicely from the setup of thehumdrum lifestyle to the choices the characters each make and how it quickly shows how different a life can be on reflection. The writing shiftscleverly between everyday tedium to the wistful holiday to the effects of Liz's choices as she decides what to do with her life having made herdecisions and how it impacts those around her. Spelling and grammar were fine, I didn't notice anything obvious that detracted from the story.
My only slight nitpick would be the some of the reasons for the miscommunication at the end, with some new things being suddenly introduced, but thestory is more than enjoyable enough to overlook those things.
Overall, this is an excellent example of the genre and those looking for a happy ever after romance should give it a read.
Rating: 4Quicklink to this review
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