Within the world of Caelus lies the divided, Elven city of Belshalara, a city on the brink of revolution. A city saturated in sex, violence, and corruption. At the heart of this corruption is the Flesh Quarter, ruled by Marquis Lillandyr Shadowglade. The Flesh Quarter is also rife with illicit drugs supplied by Kia Sin’del, boss of the criminal element.
Lillandyr, in order to obtain a tome of illegal and forbidden magic, makes a deal with a long time friend. She must fetch a war god’s idol from the dangerous Hidden Quarter, the underground city below Belshalara. She sends Kia Sin’del and the pirate Captain, Anryn Stormcrow to retrieve it while she remains in the city to herald in the Feast of Saint Baellith, patron god of her Quarter.
The Feast Day quickly approaches and all within the city of Belshalara are preparing for the great celebration. It is a day where the Lady Shadowglade makes a sacrifice of herself and publically lays with a man the oracle of her god chooses. Her longtime colleague and friend, Meriweather Osterious intends on being that man. Through dark magic and manipulations of the gods themselves, Merris Osterious contrives a way for his name to be called.
Meanwhile, Anryn Stormcrow and Kia Sin’del fight for their lives in the Underground as they try to escape with the idol.
As the Feast draws to a close, events are set into motion that forever changes the city and the world itself.
Call of Affliction (The Gamayun Prophecies Book 1)
The World of Ato
Shrouded Kingdom (The Lost Queen of Althea Book 1)
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