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Free on 20th - 22nd Nov 17
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“I wish I could cry, but I cannot. If I could forget the tragedy, perhaps I would know how to cry again.” Mary Graves. Survivor, the ‘Donner Party’

Every man-made disaster and catastrophe has at least six Cascade Events leading up to the final event, the catastrophe according to the Rule of Seven.

This is a quick read of the Cascade Events that led up to Cannibalism while the ‘Donner Party’ emigrated west to California

Bob examines the Rule of Seven, and how human error plays a role in many catastrophes. Nothing happens in isolation or as a result of a single event. Thus, by learning from history, we can gain insight into preventing a similar catastrophe in the future. The key to the Donner Party were the numerous tipping points where the group failed to make decisions. Also, most people don’t know how many homicides were committed during this event!

This is one of many catastrophes that Bob Mayer, former Green Beret, West Point Graduate and NY Times Bestselling Author, examines in his series of shorts: The Anatomy of a Catastrophe.

Free on 20th - 22nd Nov 17
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