Author: Tags: , Length: Epic

Free on 22nd - 23rd Aug 15
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This is a sequel to A Gathered Radiance, but can be read as a stand alone story.

Dylan Cooper has spent most of his life mourning the death of a young woman he’d fallen in hopelessly in love with during the war. He knew her simply as Claudette. He was a downed airman and she was a hunted spy with a price on her head. They’d been flung together briefly then cruelly torn apart by circumstances that neither of them could have envisioned. And for the rest of his life, Dylan has been making an annual pilgrimage to the Maquis cemetery near the Plateau de Glières to put flowers on her grave. He gets an unpleasant shock when he discovers she hadn’t died after all. He reads in the paper that Lady Helena Templeton Forsyth has been arrested for stealing cat food, resisting arrest and is facing four counts of assault and actual bodily harm. He realizes who she is and sets out to find her. Helena is now living in dire poverty and cannot afford to pay a fine. She is persuaded by her defence solicitor to retell the story of her disastrous time in the S.O.E. in the hope of eliciting sympathy from the magistrate. What follows is a tale of profound sadness, bravery, sacrifice and betrayal…but will the magistrate even care?

Free on 22nd - 23rd Aug 15
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