London, 1816
Cavalry captain Gabriel Lacey returns to Regency London from the Napoleonic wars, burned out, fighting melancholia, his career ended. His interest is piqued when he learns of a missing girl, possibly kidnapped by a prominent member of Parliament. Lacey’s search for the girl leads to the discovery of murder, corruption, and dealings with a leader of the underworld. He deals with his own disorientation transitioning from a soldier’s life to the civilian world at the same time, redefining his role with his former commanding officer making new friends–from the top of society to the street girls of Covent Garden.
Book 1 of the Captain Lacey Regency Mysteries.
Escape to Osprey Cove: Book 1 of The Osprey Cove Lodge Series
Hoarfrost to Roses (Hoarfrost Mysteries Book 1)
Lover's Hymns : تراتيل عاشق
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