
Free on 15th Nov 13
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Want to find out about the fart, the burp, ‘rumbling’ tum and other strange body noises? Look no further! 12 strange noises that your body makes! Some very amusing ones and some rather embarrassing ones. They’re all here.

Learn why your body makes the noises it does. Why do we burp and fart? Why do our joints crack and pop? How about those annoying hiccups?

The book describes these noises and more. We take our health and our bodies for granted and yet our bodies keep working relentlessly, day in and day out. Never tiring and never skipping a beat (or cough and splutter), they keep our “engines” burning.

12 sounds our bodies make along with other interesting facts and information about our bodies.

Intended for children 9+, however it is also suitable for younger children with parental guidance.

This book is simply a “must have” for anyone who wants to learn about the sounds our bodies make and what causes them.

Scroll up and grab a copy today.

Free on 15th Nov 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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