
Free on 1st Jul 24
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Todd Norman, cleared of his wife?s murder, returns to her small Connecticut hometown to build their dream house by the lake. Eager for a fresh start, Todd finds hopes dashed when a young woman?s body washes up on the neighboring beach.

When Tracy Somerset, a divorced mother from Covenant, CT, encounters a handsome stranger late one night inside Wal-Mart, she?s unaware she?s talking to Todd Norman, dubbed ?The Banker Butcher? by the New York tabloids. The next morning, another body surfaces near Todd?s under-construction lakehouse.

As Sheriff Duane Sobczak?s investigates, troubling ties emerge between a local psychiatrist, a radical preacher, and a now-closed girls? home. Set over New England?s four seasons, The Lakehouse delves into forbidden love and buried secrets within an insular community where everyone has a story to tell and a past they prefer stay buried.

Free on 1st Jul 24
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