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Free on 6th - 7th Feb 17
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As death draws near, life will be lived differently. The Last King of Israel explores how the king of kings chose to live his final ten days culminating in the resurrection. Lessons like spending time with loved ones, dealing with difficult people, handling criticism, resting despite enormous stress, and handling affliction are some of the areas addressed as Jesus faces imminent death. Easter is one of the world’s most revered holiday seasons; this book will enhance understanding of this truly holy week. Including the two days before Palm Sunday and continuing through the evening of his resurrection, The Last King of Israel takes the reader on Jesus’s epic final ten-day journey as his mission on earth comes to an end. Seeing how he died will teach all of us how to live. Challenging both the heart and the mind, The Last King of Israel is a must-read for those who desire a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and the life he lived.

“Michael Chung has given us a superb Lenten gift. Thinking through the last ten days prior to Easter gave me many fresh insights about the context for our Savior’s redemptive action. The Nicodemus chapter, for example, is loaded with unique intuitive ideas. The style is smooth and readable. The questions at the end of each chapter drive home spiritual truths. My Lenten sermons will be better as a result of Michael’s work.”
–David G. McKechnie, Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC

“In this fine book, Michael Chung gives us inspiring and thoughtful reflections on the final ten days of Jesus’s earthly journey. Chung is obviously informed by the best biblical scholarship, but this is much more than an academic treatise. He provides wise thoughts on leadership, meals, sorrow, dealing with difficult people, spiritual practices, and even a little bit about Harry Potter! And all of this is grounded in a profound understanding of the sovereign Lordship of Christ.”
–Richard J. Mouw, PhD, President Emeritus, Professor of Faith and Public Life, Fuller Theological Seminary

“How Jesus spent the last days of his life on earth beautifully focuses the motivating values by which he lived and died. The reflections of Mike Chung on those choices offer powerful insights on what really matters in a Great Commission lifestyle for His followers. Profoundly practical and inspiring reading.”
–Robert E. Coleman, Distinguished Senior Professor of Evangelism and Discipleship, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Michael Chung (BS, The Ohio State University; MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; PhD University of Nottingham) has taught at Fuller Theological Seminary-Texas, Houston Baptist University, Calvary Theological Seminary-Indonesia, and Houston Christian High School. He is also the author of Praying with Mom (2012) and has published academic journal articles in North America, Asia, and Europe on Gospels, Paul, Spiritual Formation, New Testament Theology, and Missiology. He has also done missions and pastoral work.

Free on 6th - 7th Feb 17
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