Terminus Mundus is a planet of unrivaled beauty, mysticism, and danger. Its most formidable hero is Cedric Rhone, a prince feared and revered by his enemies and allies alike. After winning his final battlefield campaign, the middle-aged Prince looks to settle down peacefully with his beautiful, young betrothed Princess Cassandra Acadia. However, an eerie warning from his mentor forces Cedric and his loyal companions to embark on a desperate mission across the Acadian plains to uncover a coup against Cassandra’s father. Little does Cedric know that the diabolical forces working against him threaten not only the ones he loves but all of Terminus Mundus. His faith and the mysterious prophecy of the Permaneo Eques Ordinares may be all that can save Cassandra.
Maggie for Hire (Maggie MacKay - Magical Tracker Book 1)
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