
Free on 7th - 11th May 14
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One of the most unusual science fiction romance stories ever written, The Necronaut is the story of Justin and Leah Garret, a young, adventurous, nouveau-rich couple who had it all until a tragic skydiving accident leaves Justin barely alive on life support. Her wonderful life suddenly crushed, Justin’s helpless wife Leah descends into despair over her husband’s slim chances for recovery.

Then, in a bold last chance attempt to save his fading spirit, Leah allows Justin to undergo a fantastic new experimental procedure which places his body into a form of biostatic suspension, while the full contents of his mind – thoughts, memories, and emotions – are decoded, processed and uploaded into the core of a powerful new artificially-intelligent supercomputer.

Justin is then consciously re-animated into “life” as a disembodied consciousness within the structure of this computer system. But human is not AI, and in an unexpected twist, Justin soon learns to travel back and forth across the plane of life and death itself, known as the Necrosphere. Before long he is bringing back with him incredible insights into the true nature of life and death – stunning the NSA researchers who manage him. (Yes, THAT NSA…)

However, without any way to be with his wife again except as a computer-generated voice talking to her through a screen, Justin is soon plunged back into despair and loneliness – which breaks Leah’s heart and drives her to the desperate edge.

In a daring move, Leah submits to having the same experimental Biostasis procedure performed on her, so that she can join up with her beloved husband one last time in the shared artificial mindspace of the supercomputer.

Together again, they undergo a psychedelic blending of their conscious souls into a union of love and passion beyond anything that two people have ever experienced before.

Now it’s time for YOU to experience the breathtaking future of human “cyberlove”, along with the chilling terror of 21st century bio-tech run wild, in this thought provoking techno-romance.

Free on 7th - 11th May 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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