
Free on 11th - 14th Feb 15
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Find out why The Never Hero is being called the thought provoking scifi thriller of the year!

Every hero’s story follows a path. To save mankind, he will have to abandon it.

When Jonathan Tibbs awoke in a pool of his own blood, there wasn’t a scratch on him to explain it. In the days that followed, a violent and merciless otherworldly enemy came from nowhere. It killed in the streets, all the while screaming out for a challenger, but only Jonathan understood the trespasser’s call. That was the night he found he had been drafted into an ongoing conflict, a war that no one else remembers. Now, the man Jonathan saw himself becoming is not the man who can endure his future.

The first installment in this mind bending action adventure series, The Never Hero is a gritty and honest look at the psychological journey of a man forced to forge himself into a weapon. Abandoned with little guidance, and finding himself at the mercy of a bargain struck far outside his reach, Jonathan races to unlock the means to surmount the odds. All the while, trying to understand the mystery behind a battle of two species raging outside of time and memory.

Imagine that when you died, no one would ever know you were all that had stood between mankind and the enemy. In the end, the real question is who you would be willing to become to save a planet that can never see your sacrifice.




˃˃˃”Thought provoking, action packed, psychological and smart.”

~Amazon Reviewer, Sam G | See full review below.

˃˃˃ “Recommend it to anyone who loves heroic stories that leave a residue of contemplation, long after they’re over.”

~Amazon Reviewer, Cate Hogan | See full review below.

˃˃˃”Say Joss Whedon’s Buffy The Vampire Slayer got together with Christopher Nolan’s Inception and made a baby. Then, M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable got together with Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game and made a baby. Then those two babies grew up, eloped and had a love child, who they put up for adoption, and was raised by the surrogate parent’s of Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky and the Wachowski Brother’s Matrix, but had a crazy Uncle they all called The Karate Kid… Then you might get something as awesome as The Never Hero.”

~Amazon Reviewer, Scott Baker | See full review below.

˃˃˃ “A different kind of sci-fi novel, where I have appreciated more the way the characters are built than how the action flows, although that cannot be ignored either.”

~Amazon Reviewer, Amazon Customer | See full review below.

Get your copy and start reading today!

Free on 11th - 14th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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