Brogan McLane QC uncovers the despicable deeds of The Earl of Marchion who owes £7.8m in Death Duties and who thought he could kidnap an 11 year old African girl and use her to smuggle and cheat his way out of paying those taxes. Hiding in his world of privilege, he didn’t reckon on the strongest ties of all: the love of a new mother and the legal skills of her husband Brogan McLane in Parliament House.
The story begins in an African forest with a desperate father trying to save his children from being butchered. When faced with no other choice, he sells the children to a diamond smuggler.
Through dark days of prostitution and slavery in Edinburgh one of those children comes under the protective wings of Mr and Mrs McLane. The battle between justice and injustice rages for months until, finally faced with deportation of the child they’ve come to love, McLane has an idea of how to play a legal Ace card.
Escape to Osprey Cove: Book 1 of The Osprey Cove Lodge Series
Artistic License to Kill (A Fine Art Mystery Book 1)
Hoarfrost to Roses (Hoarfrost Mysteries Book 1)
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