Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 15th - 17th May 15
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✰✰✰✰✰ REVIEW: A Thrilling Medical Suspense Novel that Kept Me on the Edge of My Chair Rapidly Flipping Pages from Beginning to End! Enjoy!

By Tom McGee

Every once in a while I am blessed to have read so many great books and use so many great products that I press forward to experience the next without taking the time to review them immediately. That was the case with Doctor Lawrence W. Gold’s book “The Plague Within.”

This is a book about people who are truly ingenious and on the front edge of medical technology that will change the course of humanity. It is also a book about egos that are bigger than life.

Life saving discoveries are discovered and pushed before their time and accelerated to limits much too soon to safely evaluate their side effects on human beings.

Jack Byrnes, Medical Director at Berkeley Brier Hospital ICU and his wife Beth, the head ICU nurse are concerned with their Patient Rachel Palmer and are excited with technology that has helped her recover at a rapid, unheard of rate.

Greed, egos, overconfidence and shortcuts give way to reality and create an unnecessary catastrophe that makes for a believable stress filled and haunting suspense novel that I had trouble putting down.

Who, if anyone will come forward to report unethical harmful experiments and applications that could result in unnecessary procedures that will claimed the lives of unexpected victims and threaten more.

The Plague Within is an intriguing, breathtaking story written by a medical doctor who leaves the reader wondering if this set of circumstances could or will happen in the stage of human need to play God.

This author’s writing skills and ability to tell a believable fast-paced storyline kept me on the edge of my chair frantically flipping pages from the beginning to the very end. My best guess is that you will do so too.

If you are entertained by medical suspense thrillers, you will be happy to know that THIS IS IT!

Even in the age of the genome and sophisticated biotechnology, medical progress still moves at a snail’s pace. Seasoned investigators are matured by experience and they accept the virtue of the too-slow scientific process. The young, however have been brought up in a world of instant gratification, and they barrel ahead never looking back to see the havoc in their wake.

So it is with Dr. Harmony Lane. In her single-minded obsession to cure her patients, she cuts corners and treats a desperately ill woman with an experimental viral vector provided by an unscrupulous research scientist. While he shares her impatience, he cares nothing for her humanistic sensibilities. She uses a similar vector on her patients with autoimmune diseases.

While the vector has remarkable curative properties, it soon becomes clear that it has devastating and lethal side effects.

The race is on to cure or at least control the vector before it kills again.

The novel proves, once again, that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

Free on 15th - 17th May 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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