
Free on 22nd Dec 16
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Three major incidents caused Derek Winkenweder to finally take control of his health: His weight ballooned to 265 pounds after being an active high school athlete, to having a fairly sedentary career.

As a mechanical engineer he understood the technical components of the body. So he developed The Power of the Body Triad system based on mind reprogramming, and with a few modifications to his diet and moderate exercise his body began to change.

“Being committed to a healthier lifestyle means better self-esteem, more self-confidence and being in control of your life.”

Through this simple process the mind “shifts gears” to help the body overcome physical obstacles during its transition from unhealthy to healthy:

“You’ll eat better, burn fat, and lose weight just by changing your mindset, eliminating negative self-talk, and exchanging bad habits for good ones.”

Derek lost 41 pounds in 90 days, and a total of 55 pounds by age 55. Before developing the Body Triad system he could barely make it up a hill. Now he runs cross-country AND up hills with little effort!

“In 2011 I ran the Coronado Bridge Navy Run in San Diego, and my younger daughter Kimberly beat me by only14 seconds. I ran it again in 2014, and my older daughter Stephanie beat me by only 16 seconds.”

He believes anyone at any age and fitness level can have positive results from The Power of the Body Triad, as it provides the tools and techniques to achieve any fitness goal:

“Every day I see proof that my system works as I’m happier, healthier and have more energy. This is a great program for families to do together, so it works for everyone! By closely following The Power of the Body Triad — and staying with it — you can become stronger and feel more rejuvenated once you learn how to properly fuel and maintain your body.”

One goal Derek will be able to check off his bucket list… “I’ll be hiking the Grand Canyon in the fall of 2014, an achievement that wouldn’t have been possible had I not taken control of my mind, my body and my life. IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN TOO!”

Free on 22nd Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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