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Stop Being A Procrastinator Once And For All.

How much time a day do you think you waste by not accomplishing what you need to? Is it effecting your job performance, school, or family relationships? To some degree most of us procrastinate about something every now and again. Unfortunately for many people our bad habits of procrastination are holding us back from being who we were really meant to be. We all have big dreams and goals and plenty of daily things to get done but we fail to take action on making them a reality. If we procrastinate about getting simple things done such as taking out the garbage or doing the laundry then chances are we are not going to go after that big promotion at work either.

In this book we will look at procrastination in depth and why people do it day in and day out. You will be given the guidance to overcome procrastination once and for all and start to become productive and learn new time management skills. We all know successful people and secretly wish we knew what they knew or did what they did to be successful. What sets them apart from everyone else is that they rarely procrastinate and they take action. We are all given the same amount of time each day so start using it the right way and start to get ahead to where you deserve to be!

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

  • The Art Of Procrastination
  • Humor Goes A Long Way
  • Overcoming Procrastination
  • Becoming a Mover and a Shaker
  • Pep-talks and Affirmations to Success
  • Fixing Procrastination
  • Procrastination Games
  • Much, much more!

Download your copy today!

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Check Out What Others Are Saying…

“I always knew I was a big procrastinator and sometimes it got me into trouble in my jobs and personal life. I hate doing chores around the house and I often put things off to the last minute or just don’t do them at all. I decided to do something about it and was given this book on procrastination. I really enjoyed the read as it made things interesting and gave me some great ideas about what I can do to be more productive in my day to day life. I am ready to start making some big changes in my life now. Thanks.” —Ted G Manitowac, Wi

“I am glad I came across this book in a time where I needed it most. I was tired of putting even the simplest things off in life and needed to look at myself in the mirror and admit that my procrastination has caught up to me. Getting even the simplest things done around the house seemed so complex lately. This book was very helpful for me to understand my procrastination problem and how I could enhance my day to day productivity. I really appreciate you writing this book. —Sue M Rice Lake, WI

Tags: Procrastination Cure, Procrastination Self Help, Procrastination Habits, Productivity Improvement, Time Management, Stop Procrastination, Productivity, Procrastination Books, Time Management Skills, Time Management Tips, Productivity Books, Productivity Improvement, Productivity Powers, Productivity Today, Productivity Now

Free on 11th - 15th Aug 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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