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Do you ever experience ?

Low Sex Drive

Hard time getting an erection

Constant fatigue and lack of energy

Difficulty gaining muscle

Increase in body fat

Challenging time losing fat

Mood changes – Anxiety, Depression

Difficulty concentrating

If you answered yes to any of the symptoms of low testosterone above, then The Proven Testosterone Solution is the book for you!

Testosterone levels have steadily been declining in men for the past few decades, the modern lifestyle is not conducive to male testosterone level. However you are in control of this situation if you choose to be!

The amount of testosterone your body makes is impacted by your daily choices. From the food you eat to the health of your liver and the amount of sleep you get, these all impact testosterone production.

In this book you will learn everything you need to know about testosterone, nutrition, exercise and lifestyle habits to build muscle, burn fat and live an upgraded life.

Topics covered include:

How Testosterone Is Made and Used In The Body

You will learn what testosterone is, what it is synthesized from, and how your body produces it, and uses it.

Hormones That Influence Testosterone

Testosterone is the main focus, however If you have one hormone that is severely dysfunctional, it can throw off the entire endocrine system, negatively impacting your production testosterone. You will get a cheat sheet on how to maximize each hormone!

Liver Health and Your Hormones

The liver plays many roles in hormonal health from removing toxins to breaking down and metabolizing excess hormones. Learn the steps you can take to improve liver function, and testosterone as a result!

The Problem With Most Testosterone Tests and What Labs To Get Done

Many of the tests for testosterone tell you very little about the amount of usable testosterone you have in the body. You will learn what to get tested on labs, the advantages of blood tests and what range you should be in based on your age.

Testosterone Thieves

This sections helps you to realize the most well known, and lesser known thieves that are robbing you of optimal testosterone. By knowing what to avoid you are already on your way to boosting testosterone!

How To Naturally Boost Testosterone

This chapter is your solution to low testosterone. The benefits of optimal testosterone and what to do to naturally increase your testosteroneis explained in actionable steps you can start using today.

What Foods To Eat and Which To Avoid

Did you know that the kind of fat and the kind of carbohydrate that you eat can have an impact on your testosterone ? Most people don’t, but after reading this section of the book you will understand what foods are the best and worst for natural testosterone production.

How To Use Intermittent Fasting For Higher Testosterone

Intermittent fasting has numerous studies that show it can be beneficial for fat loss, hormones and genes! The most effective forms of IF are discussed in this chapter, and how you can use IF to lose body fat and improve testosterone levels

Meditation and Testosterone

Stress is one of the biggest thieves of testosterone in this day and age. Very few people have a strategy to manage that stress, after reading this chapter you will have a strategy that fits you and your lifestyle.

12 Week Testosterone Boosting Plan

This is where everything you learned is organized into a plan for you to use and get results. This includes a meal plan that helps you to build muscle while burning fat, and training program that is designed to build strength and muscle. In this chapter you are also given a weekly plan for improving sleep, stress management and using more dominant postures throughout the day. This plan will lead to improved testosterone levels guaranteed!

Are you are interested in the above topics and much more ?

Download this book right now, and start boosting testosterone!

Free on 25th - 29th Jan 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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