
Free on 22nd - 26th Apr 18
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Aji Michael, a brilliant new voice in the multigenerational workplace, explains how today’s workforce can get ahead in life and achieve personal success.

What could have been responsible for the first love that many people initially had for their jobs? Why is the feeling of elation they first had when they got their jobs now thrown into the dustbin of history?

With the seemingly daily financial crises around the world, people realize that they cannot control the environment, the economy, or war or crime, but have become increasingly aggressive in their search for happiness.

There are countless experts around the world all offering their points of views; theories, exercises, and recommendations for helping people improve their happiness.

The Purpose Driven Career explains that being happy is not tied to a job or how much you earn, it gives a step by step guide to how today’s workforce could easily find happiness, joy, fulfillment, and purpose in their career no matter the title or company. In The Purpose Driven Career, Aji lays out the specific steps and inner mindset of getting other people become emotionally invested in your advancement.
The book gives insights into what today’s workforce wants; they want enough, but not too much money; they want to be respected, but more importantly, they want to be happy, and they want to be in a position where they wake up in the morning looking forward to the day ahead. The question is no longer, “how much do we earn”, but rather “do we enjoy doing our jobs?”.

You are probably thinking of quitting your job or you have your resignation letter written already. Hold on. You’ll find out you won’t need to after you have read this book because by then, you would have regained your lost motivation and passion for your job and would be ready to stay focused and give it your best. This may sound challenging, but it is not impossible–especially if someone who has done it before explains it to you, and that’s what Aji Michael did. Her goal is to help you to embrace and love your job as quickly and easily as possible.

Through personal experience, compelling case studies, and current research on personal development and talent, Aji shows readers how to find happiness, joy, fulfillment, and purpose in their career no matter the title or company. The Purpose Driven Career will remain a classic for years to come.

Free on 22nd - 26th Apr 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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