
Free on 15th - 19th May 17
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Less than a year after discovering a human fossil and a dinosaur fossil found together, paleontologist Wayne Oakford is murdered. His niece, Mary Dillard, believes the killer was another scientist who was trying to ruin his reputation. She hires a private detective, Gunnar Schofield, to investigate the murder. While traveling across the country, the pair learns that a secret society of scientists has been falsifying the fossil record to discredit creationism and support Darwin’s theory of evolution. Will she succeed in clearing Wayne Oakford’s name? Will the truth about evolution be exposed to the world?

“A fast-paced thriller with an intriguing scientific mystery…. [P]lenty of similarities to Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, that blockbuster page-turner. This book moves at a similarly brisk pace, with short chapters, snappy dialogue and great chemistry between the two leads as they jet from one destination to another, one revelation to the next, one precarious bit of danger after the other…. [T]his thriller … delivers.”

— Kirkus Reviews

Free on 15th - 19th May 17
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