In a world where children are exploited, monsters are saviors, and dark magic is constantly at play, a little girl will go to any lengths to be reunited with her lost ones. After the disappearance of her parents, a heartbroken child is sold to the Doll-Maker who promises to retrieve them. In return, she is to travel from cemetery to cemetery, unearthing graves and colleting skulls. While doing so, she must avoid the Violinist and his crows, who are determined to steal the skulls she has painstakingly gathered. As she travels across the province, with her life in constant peril from vengeful policeman to furious villagers to strange creatures, the little girl must use her wits to succeed in her macabre mission.
The Silence of Lir (Saga of the Spheres Book 1)
The Prince of Ravens (The Exile Trilogy Book 1)
The Shadow Rises (Witch-Hunter Book 1)
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