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Addi is cornered. She fights back a tear. Kevin and his goons have her trapped in Goller’s Alley, and there’s no hope of her escaping with her shiny black shoes unscuffed, no hope of her absentee father coming to her rescue. The bullies snatch her up and dangle her over a dumpster filled with rotten meat. The shoestraps snap, and Addi plummets into Otherside, a world of twig-warriors, underwater libraries, and out-of-work dragons. Always the optimist, Addi sees this strange new world as an opportunity to track down her dad. But Otherside has different plans for her. Rumors roll over the land about an evil group from the north that plans to infiltrate the coastal kingdom of Brathia. The group calls themselves the Smoke Riders. Addi and her companions trek through wood and water on the way to warn the Old King of Brathia of the impending attack. Will Addi learn to stand up to her bullies in time to save Brathia? Or will all of Otherside be lost in smoke? And who exactly is the Old King?