
Free on 29th Jan 17 - 2nd Feb 17
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Are you looking for a children’s book that is highly entertaining and will encourage your child to communicate confidently and logically?
Did you know that good things can happen out of the most unlikely of situations?
Read this story and you will discover how things changed for the better for some children in their school.
Meet the Children
Johnny and Jessica Jenkins are brother and sister. Johnny had a problem that drove his mum and sister crazy. Johnny was always complaining that he was bored and that he had nothing to do. For most children this has been a problem that they have often experienced. This is the story of how Johnny and Jessica started to get everyone in their school talking and thinking about what they would rather be and why. This new game spread throughout the school, it got children thinking, talking and convincing each other about what they think and what their preferences are. Each child felt better because they could play the game anywhere and adapt the rules to suit the players. Some children asked if they would rather be a super hero or a knight and they would explain why and try to convince the other person why it would be better to be a knight or super hero.

Follow the adventures of Johnny and Jessica. This is an excellent read for encouraging early and beginning readers. Each story contains an important moral and lesson. With cute and bright illustrations for younger readers, questions and fun ideas.
These stories are great for quick bedtime stories and to be read aloud with friends and family!
oExcellent for encouraging early and beginning readers
oGreat for reading aloud with friends and family
oFun short stories that are great for a quick bedtime story

This book is particularly great for traveling, waiting rooms, and read aloud at home.

Free on 29th Jan 17 - 2nd Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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