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Ages and ages ago, many different kinds of dinosaurs roamed our planet. Some were as large as whales, while others were the size of small dogs. Some were plant-eaters, while some ate other animals. Some had very long necks and tails, while others were tiny. Some had horns. Some had wings and could fly.
Despite all of these many variations, they were all part of the dinosaur family. And, as is often the case with family, they shared many common features.
No one has ever never whatsoever seen a live dinosaur or spoken to one of them. So, what if dinosaurs could really talk, or smile, cry, dream, dance, play and joke?
To answer all of these questions, all you have to do is become an Imaginesaurus, and meet the Unusualasauruses.
This book is aimed at children aged 4 to 120. It introduces the readers to different types of personalities, characters, and skills and thus helps us to spot them at a glance.
This book was beautifully illustrated by Lilach Ramati.