
Free on 8th - 9th Sep 24
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The War On Health will take you on a multi-faceted journey involving many aspects of the modern world we live in, particularly in the United States, but much of the book involves all human beings on earth. I consider our involvement in this life experience today to be more complicated than ever, especially when we examine the vast array of ?things? coming at us everyday. These things are referred to as ?impacts? in the book, things that impact us in a myriad of ways, impacting us in body, mind and spirit and therefore affecting our well-being.
These impacts are sometimes blatant and other times inconspicuous, whereas we don?t even realize something is impacting our well-being, until we become aware of it?to ?see? it. Otherwise it just isn?t there, simply because we don?t see it or the threat that it may represent. This entire concept of personal awareness/knowledge can be a real ?game changer? for some people. Once we know something is impacting our well being in a less than desirable way, then we can change our lives around , maybe a piece at a time, to work to avoid at least some of these impacts upon us.
I work to try to describe how our modern world/society/cultures have evolved to be what they are today, primarily because I am in the understanding the all things in this world are done by someone, and for the most part, are deliberate. I can relate to a quote by John F. Kennedy, 35th president of the United States, that supports this claim ?Things don?t happen, they are made to happen?. Part of the book focuses on the actual creation of the ?matrix? or ?construct? we live within. I relate to ?deception? as a major tool used by the architects of the matrix whereas they keep most people unaware of the things they are evolving into existence and this fully applies to the ?impacts? resulting from it all.
I discuss much to do with health in these times, and in the case of the United Stated, food. Food alone is far from the only culprit in many peoples demise of less than optimal health, as there are many other impacts as well. In the case of the United Stetes, food plays a major role in ill-health, just because of the poor quality of our modern industrialized food. The US has been found to have some of the poorest quality food on earth. What a travesty, where the richest, most abundantly supplied country to ever exist in history, has the poorest food quality. This is not by evolution or happenstance?it is and was “made to happen?. Irregardless by who and why, we need awareness of much of it in order to circumvent this systems impacts upon us.
I focus on ?YOU? in much of the book and bring to light some aspects of our seemingly hidden power. In my perception, LOVE is the answer. We need to find this inherent state of being, which I refer to as the love vibrational frequency projection, which is the ultimate human state, to love. This is spiritual love where we learn to rise above much of the physical plane, the matrix, and discover the higher ground, higher consciousness. Consciousness is awareness, our awareness of this entire experience of body, mind and spirit. What we project will return to us in a similar vibration, and this can be very empowering or seriously disempowering. Our states of heart and mind dictate it all and hormonal releases will confirm and maintain these varying states of heart and mind, between more love and less love. It is somewhat challenging to grasp, but it its there, none-the-less.
You are in command of all aspects of your life, including the health of your body, your mind and ultimately your spirit, which is you, your I AM. I am not my body nor my mind.

Free on 8th - 9th Sep 24
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