The Golden Age of Man is returning.
John is stuck in a rut. With no direction and plodding his way through a seemingly mundane life he is resigned to his boring existence. After being involved in a bombing on the London underground he has a near death experience in which he meets Leela, a divine being. She reveals to him that he has an important role to play in the coming shift of Ages, but he has become lost and must find the right path.
Taking up yoga gives him a renewed energy and focus in life. This new path takes him to India where he discovers an ancient temple dedicated to Leela. What he learns there overturns everything he thought he knew. Travelling deep into the south Indian jungle he meets a powerful yogi. With him he learns the secrets of yoga, how to access latent powers through the awakening of his third eye and what his role is in the coming earth changes.
Travelling north into the Himalaya John’s life will never be the same. Will he complete the quest given to him by the Yogi and help usher in the dawning of the coming golden age?
The Silence of Lir (Saga of the Spheres Book 1)
Call of Affliction (The Gamayun Prophecies Book 1)
Bound by Charmed Shadows
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