
Free on 5th - 9th Apr 15
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A fun, practical guide to surviving without your smartphone for 24 hours and loving life at the same time!

With a smartphone in your hand you’re more connected, more productive and more entertained than ever before.

But…are you really? I mean really?

Perhaps this constant convenience is limiting you in ways you don’t even realize…

And that’s why this book was written. It’s not about trying to convince you with paragraph after paragraph of bland blah-blah-blah. It’s about getting you to experience it.

Your mission is to go ‘Thumbs Up’ for a day. You’ll be presented with a series of activities. Choose the ones which match your mood and try to complete as many as you can! The aim is to use these 24 hours to experience the world in ways you simply wouldn’t when you’re hooked to your smartphone…

Join us on a phone-free adventure where we’ll reconnect you with the real. Because the point is not merely to survive, it’s to thrive!

So be bold! Embrace the challenge! By completing any of the activities in this book you are guaranteed to add awesomeness to your life.

And when you turn on your smartphone again you’ll do so with an entirely new perspective.

Free on 5th - 9th Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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