Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 2nd - 4th Feb 24
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First Edition – A Magical Short Story About True Spirit – for Kids and Adults!

In a delightfully entertaining story, Cedric and Prunella, out for a walk along a brook in a lush forest, go quite a bit further than they should have and encounter something very unexpected.

There in front of them, not more than a three steps away, spread right alongside the brook, is a very large white satin quilt. Upon the quilt sit three amazing creatures busily arranging large silver platters piled with sandwiches, steaming silver teapots, and crystal cups of various sizes. The three beings appear to be something like fairies, as they have delicate wings, but are rather large, being at least half as tall as Cedrick. Even more remarkable is the fact that they are luminous, each one glowing brightly within a haze of surrounding light, each one radiating ever shifting pure pastel colors of light. “About time,” exclaims one of the glowing creatures. “Time for tea,” says another. “That’s right, time for tea,” says the third.

Cedrick and Prunella stand as if frozen in place, not exactly afraid but astonished beyond words. The three luminous creatures stop and stare at them with glistening eyes, as if waiting. “Perhaps they don’t like tea,” comments the first. “Could that be?” asks the second. “It’s possible,” says the third. “Let’s see. Tea?”

As it turns out, the three mystical creatures have a message for young Cedrick and Prunella, one that changes their lives forever.

Mystical, magical, inspirational and richly entertaining, this is a story that will touch you and leave all who read it with a wonderful message.

First U.S. Edition, 23,695 words. BONUS SECTION, includes excerpts from The Living Part of A Myth, Five Years in the Valley of Masters book series.

Books in The Living Part of a Myth Series

A Discovery of an Unparalleled Kind (Book One)

A Series of Extraordinary Events (Book Two)

Antiquity, Three Crowns, and a Princess Revealed (Book Three)

Through a Looking Glass Several Hundred-Thousand Years Old (Book Four)

Kalika-Khenmetaten, The Supreme Egyptian Adept

Mystic Wisdom of the Masters, The Esoteric Knowledge of Great Adepts

The Illumination – A Story of the Magic of Life and The Light

Interview with an Oracle, Astonishing Revelations about Life and Our World

A Great Master Speaks, The Secret Powers of the Ancients

Ri-iha-mo – Tibetan Mountain Goddess, Encounters with a Legend of the Himalayas

Library-cataloging-data: children’s book, visionary, enlightenment, new age, metaphysical, mystical, esoteric, occult, magic

Free on 2nd - 4th Feb 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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