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Top Essential Oil Recipes 2nd Edition: A Recipe Guide Of Natural, Non-Toxic Aromatherapy & Essential Oils for Healing Common Ailments, Beauty, Stress & Anxiety


To make essential oils, it needs to be extracted from the plant. This can be done through expression and distillation.

Expression, also referred as cold pressing, expression is method used to extract oils from citrus fruits like lime, orange, tangerine, lemon, and bergamot. In the past, expression doesn’t require any sorts of tools except for a sponge. After soaking the citrus rind or zest, it will be pressed against the sponge repeatedly to absorb the oil. The sponge will then be squeezed over a container to catch the oils and allow it to separate from its juices. After a few hours, the oils will be siphoned off and bottled.

A modern type of expression involves using a blender-like device that’s equipped with spikes. Once the citrus zest, rind, or peel is placed into the device, it will rotate and prod and prick the citrus until the oils are released. Oil will be collected at the bottom of the device and bottled immediately.

Distillation, which most essential oils are extracted using the distillation process. In this process, the plant part is placed on a grid that’s inside a container called still. The still is then sealed. The water, steam, or water/steam combination swirling inside the sealed still will slowly break down the plant to release its volatile components and turn it into steam. These components will then rise up and collect into the condenser. Once the condenser is cool, the components will revert back into liquid form and will be collected in a separate container. Once the essential oil separates from the water, it will be siphoned off and stored.

Topics Covered….

What Are Essential Oils?Essential Oil BasicsMaking Essential OilsEssential Oil Recipes for Various AilmentsEssential Oil Recipes for Stress and AnxietyEssential Oil Blends for Cosmetic UseEssential Oil Recipes for Weight LossEssential Oil Recipes for Energy and HappinessEssential Oil Recipes for Your HomeMuch, much more!

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Tags: Essential Oils, Skin Care, Aromatherapy, Weight Loss, Beauty, Health, Pain Relief, Stress, Hair Benefits, Essential Oils for Beginners, Essential Oil Uses, Recipes, Natural, Sensitive Skin, Acne, Lice, Anti-Aging, Wrinkles, Skin Types, Dandruff, Hair Loss, Treatment, Fungus, Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety, Increase Energy, Appetite, Handbook, Guide, Aromatics, Emotions, Novice,

Free on 15th - 19th Feb 15
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