Twenty Short Stories.
What does it feel like to take another person’s life? Will the good deeds we do come back to us in different forms? Should we always trust our instincts? Is it ever too late to turn back?
These are of some of the questions posed in this imaginative collection of short stories involving amongst others; a public executioner, a super hero who’s half man-half wolf, a failed celebrity writer, a disillusioned taxi driver, a father and daughter facing the end of the world, an ugly journalist, and a policeman seeking justice.
Just some of the characters in this intriguing and imaginative collection of stories where all the characters have a tale to tell. A collection that will surely leave a mark on the reader.
The Paris Orphans: A heart-wrenching and moving WW2 historical fiction short story (The Paris Sister...
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
Last Night at the Nowhere Cliff: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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