Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Novelette

Free on 11th - 15th Dec 17
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God made man and woman equal,
No, Samuel Colt made them equal.
Tyler Grier did not hold with such bullshit.

Enter Tyler Grier
He is a manly man, six foot two inch and one hundred eighty pound of pure male fury, who lives by his own rules, who had the guts to be himself, and others pay the price for it.
Neither God nor Samuel Colt made men and women equal, nor anyone ever was going to, that was Tyler’s view on the matter, end of the story.
When his own wife tries to show him otherwise he decides to teach her a lesson.

Enter Ruth,
She loves her husband with all her heart and never does anything to offend him, ever, but even she is sometimes fed up his tantrums.

Enter passion
When Ruth is caught up with cage fighting, she had no idea of the day when she would have to choose between her husband’s demand and her passion.

Enter the choice
Ruth had made her choice, for good or evil, only time will tell. Tyler had made his choice and he knows what this will all come to.
However, neither of them were anticipating how the situation would spiral out of control and change the hierarchy of their relationship (if it even survives) forever.

Your basic disclaimer: there is some pretty intense stuff in this story, so proceed only if you are OK reading about domestic violence and some even more twisted things.

Free on 11th - 15th Dec 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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