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Free on 11th - 15th Aug 15
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Vacation In Greece

Rekindling The Flame!

Dana, was busy raising three young kids, all under the age of seven! Jim, and Dana were like ships passing in the night, very little time or energy. for each other, after the daily chores were done. Jim, had built up a large contracting business, and he had two phones stuck to his ears, 24/7. They made a very good living with Jim’s business, and Dana, was able to stay home and look after the kids, which was a good thing… but the last few years, they had been unable to carve out much time for many intimate moments. They did not want it to be like this, but they had things they had to do. Jim’s mom adored Dana, and noticed, that the trials, of daily life had really taken their toll, on this once, beautiful, and amazing relationship. While, visiting the grand kids, one day, Janet, (Jim’s mother) said to Dana, you two, really need to make some time for yourselves, you know, get away for a couple of weeks. Dana thought that would be impossible, what with the kids, and Jim’s ever increasing work responsibilities, but arrangements were made. It was going to be hot in Greece, but with Jim and Dana’s help…it was about to get much hotter!

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Free on 11th - 15th Aug 15
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