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Use the recipes of a vegan diet to build the body of your dreams and get the healthiest state of your life by applying the techniques and tips revealed within the book to Transition Into and Stick With the vegan lifestyle

Vegan diet is a plant based diet which includes all the vegetables, fruits, nuts, greens, grains and all other food obtained from plants. It is low in saturated fats and high in carbohydrates and natural sugar (fructose).

Vegan diet is considered as one of the healthiest and balanced diet. Studies have shown that vegan diet or plant based diet has all the essential nutrition required by human body. There could be many reasons behind a person becoming vegan. Some reasons are related to religion, ethics and some are related to health and love for animals.

We are going to see all the superfoods which provide essential nutrients in vegan diet such as fat, proteins, calcium, iron, vitamins, zinc etc. Also, how you can transition to become a vegan from your current lifestyle and stick to this healthy diet without much efforts. I am going to show some of the healthy vegan recipes which are balanced in nutrients and also filling.

Take the time to better yourself and buy this book!

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Here’s what you can expect to find in this book…

Introduction to Vegan Dieto History of VeganismScience Behind Veganism- How and Why it WorksHealth Benefits of Being VeganTransitioning to VeganSticking to VeganismPlant Based Food and Their Nutritious Value-Macro and Micro NutrientsDelicious Quick Vegan Recipes and CookbookPoints to rememberVegetarian vs. VeganAnd Much More!

Here’s what customers thought..

I was looking for a perfect vegan cookbook for my mother that’s why I purchased this book. This book consists of simple and easy to prepare recipes. She has already tried a few of them the taste was awesome. This book changed my perspective on the whole vegan diet approach of living the healthy life. All the recipes were described step by step in an easy manner. You should try this cookbook and I’m sure that you will enjoy it. I loved it. Thanks.


A well balanced vegan diet appears to provide protection from heart diseases and certain other degenerative diseases. It has been regarded as appropriate for all stages of life-cycle. A vegan diet may be helpful in reducing a number of degenerative diseases which may include diabetes, cancer, kidney diseases, osteoporosis, dementia, and others. Proper planning of the die is important in order to avoid nutrient deficiencies to occur. Properly planned diet will help in providing all the nutrients needed by the body in required quantity will help in providing nutritionally adequate diet for all ages and stages of life including pregnancy and lactation.

-Cheryl Pankey

Don’t Wait! Scroll up and click the Buy button to take the steps towards improving your life and improving your communication skills by getting this book on sale for a limited time for only $0.99!

Free on 13th - 17th Mar 16
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