n the 1970’s Jessie and Ella were young and enjoying a suburban childhood. They were the younger and older with the sew-saw pattern of bickering and bonding they gave perfect definition of the term sisters. They were always going to be with one another, living life, and growing old…together. Fate had something else in mind, and at 20 Jessie left home burried with a burden that even love couldn’t seem to shatter. For the next twenty-five years she spent her life running away from home, but when their mother dies, Jessie’s must return home and face the past, during her journey connecting with the most important women she’s ever known and perhaps she’ll find that running has been her enemy and a good walk will become her healing.
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
Last Night at the Nowhere Cliff: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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