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Wallace D. Wattles’ Health Science Course

Download This Great Book Today! Available to Read on Your Computer, MAC, Smartphone, Kindle Reader, iPad, or Tablet!

You have within you the power that can give you perfect health. If constructively used, it will give you perfect health. Can you learn to use it constructively? You certainly can! In this exclusive, special enhanced version of Wallace D. Wattles’ Health Science Course, you’ll learn how to use the power within you – something you already have – constructively to create perfect health in your life.

Although he’s best known for his classic masterpiece The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles was writing on the subject of health long before he was writing on the subject of wealth. In fact, some of his earliest writings were health related.

The best, most concise, and most practical of those was his Health Science Course, a correspondence course he wrote that was marketed through Elizabeth Towne’s The Nautilus, the leading new thought magazine of its day.

In this exclusive book, Tony Mase, a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles, is going to take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through Wallace D. Wattles’ Health Science Course, which was first published in 1910…

Paragraph by paragraph…Sentence by sentence…And sometimes even…Word by word…

Commenting on what Mr. Wattles wrote, explaining it in minute detail using real-world examples, and giving you specific, detailed, proven, step-by-step instructions and action steps for applying what Mr. Wattles wrote to create health in your life.

This book contains four mega-lessons:

Mega-Lesson 1: FundamentalsMega-Lesson 2: The Physical Side of Health-CultureMega-Lesson 3: The Mental Side of Health-CultureMega-Lesson 4: The Retention of Youth

In them, you’ll learn:

The one single thing you absolutely, positively must do in order to get health!A very simple mental exercise that’ll help you eliminate one of the biggest health killers there is!The first step toward perfect health and a perfect body!A very simple proposition that’ll make healthy eating downright simple!Why the so-called “most important meal of the day” may not be and what you should do instead that’ll leave you feeling better, more productive, and save you time and money!How to eliminate overeating for good!The only way to cure curable sickness and low states of health!How to tap into the power of the subconscious mind to build yourself a new and perfect body!How to become “ageless”!Why you don’t want to exercise to retain your youthful vigor and flexibility and what you should do instead!What the old age of the body really is and how to overcome it!… and a whole lot more!!

About Wallace D. Wattles

Wallace D. Wattles (1860-1911), who’s best known for his classic masterpiece The Science of Getting Rich, was a late 19th/early 20th century American author who primarily wrote new thought and self-development books and articles. Although very little is known about him, his works are widely quoted and remain in print.

About Tony Mase

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles, who’s best known for his classic masterpiece The Science of Getting Rich. He used Wallace D. Wattles’ principles to make more progress in just a couple of years, both personally and in business, than he did in the previous thirty years combined.

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Free on 8th - 12th Apr 18
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