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How To Lose Weight Without Dieting Or Exercising: A practical step by step guide on weight loss

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You’re about to discover how to lose weight without the need of exercising or dieting, in this book it shows you information that you can implement in your daily life style to burn fat. Some of the ways to do this is explained in this book are intermittent fasting, what foods to avoid, what foods and ingredients you can supplement in your current diet to help you lose weight and why you are not losing fat and how to fix the problem.

This guide is aimed at correcting the problems of obesity which is prevalent in the world today. It is an unfortunate fact of life that these days, people are getting more and more overweight. This can be blamed on our way of life, where we are used to being sedentary and either having machines do the ordinary chores for use, or where we employ others to do the work for us. Most people, especially in well up countries chose not to walk even to the supermarket which may be a few hundred meters away, opting instead to drive to that place. This is the norm in the world today.

Being overweight poses a threat to healthy living because with obesity comes a horde of sicknesses like high blood pressure, type II diabetes, heart disease and stroke among others. This results from the inefficiency of some of our systems due to too much weight. These diseases are correctly called lifestyle diseases because they emanate from the way we live, for example failure to exercise, eating unhealthy foods and over-eating.

However, millions of people in the world are happily living their lives without realizing their weight is more than they should have and therefore they do not realize their bodies are havens for diseases. To rectify this oversight, included in this guide are indicators which show the different heights and weights juxtaposed against the weight indicators so that you can easily ascertain whether or not you or yours are overweight.

If you find out that the weight scale does not tip in your favor, that means you have to lose some weight, and that is where this guide takes charge, to show you how best you can go about doing just that. You are guided through all the things you should do to succeed in losing the weight you do not want, and there are also explanations as to why you should do some of the indicated actions. Now go on and check the provided charts so that you can figure out if you have the ideal weight or not.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Intermittent fasting 10 Big Food Rules for Boosting Energy Burning FatTop 10 Herbs and Spices to Help Improve Health and Weight Loss36 Fat Burning Super Foods8 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Body FatMuch, much more!
Download your copy today!
Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount of only $0.99!

Tags: Health, Diets, Weight Loss, Fitness, Fasting, Food.

Free on 22nd - 26th Jun 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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