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Free on 19th - 23rd Oct 14
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Take obesity by the horns and tackle it

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More than 30 percent of American kids are either overweight or obese. In the United Kingdom, similar statistics hold water. Busy work lifestyles, less family time and more fast foods have become the order of the day. In the hustle bustle of this lifestyle, our children have learned to eat the wrong foods, drink calorie-rich beverages, and thus gain excessive weight – unfavorably for their health and general well-being. To make the problem worse, the schools they spend a considerable amount of time in don’t provide the government-required levels of physical activity.

Weight problems and childhood obesity is a problem that has been there for quite a while. Studies carried out by reputable institutions, including the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; suggest that obesity leads to a whole lot of negative health consequences. From diabetes Type-2, heart ailments and high blood pressure, the health concerns facing overweight and obese children are innumerable. If weight related problems and obesity are not tackled in good time, they can persist into adulthood, leading to even greater consequences. A lot of kids spend a significant amount of time watching TV, playing video games and browsing the web. The environment creates a situation whereby they want to eat all those ‘cool’ foods and beverages being advertised on TV.

Parents have a major role towards preventing and treating weight problems and childhood obesity. As a parent, your child will learn from you. Those dietary routines you have so much incorporated into your daily life make a key part of your child’s own dietary habits. Although hereditary factors play a role in weight gain, the biggest contributor of obesity in children is lifestyle and acquired behavior. This book helps you take obesity by the horns and tackle it, towards the health and future prominence of your children.

In the first chapter, you understand what childhood obesity is, and how you can easily determine whether your kids qualify to be overweight or obese. You’ll also get a clear picture of what health risks affect children who are overweight. This serves as a wakeup call that you need to do something about it – Now! This book has provided some of the best strategies on how you can prevent weight problems and obesity in your child, as a preventive measure. But if it’s too late for that, you get an arsenal of tips, resources and programs that will help you reverse obesity, regardless of its severity.

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Tags: obesity in America, child obesity, child obesity and physical health, child weight loss, overweight children, overweight kids, obesity in children, obesity management, weight management, lose weight fast for kids, child obesity prevention, child obesity effects, child obesity causes, lose weight kids, overweight kids diet, overweight chart kids, overweight kids what to do

Free on 19th - 23rd Oct 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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