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Free on 12th - 14th Mar 17
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Whales are among the largest creatures that live today. They grow to massive sizes. Some are as tall as a 9-story building. These monstrous creatures live in the vast oceans and seas of the world. Some species have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. They live long, some reaching 100 years old!

There are 2 main kinds of whales in the world, the baleen and the toothed whales. While they may be monstrously big, they do not attack humans. These are gentle giants that often feed on tiny creatures floating in the water, such as krill and plankton.

Learn more about these gentle giants. In this book, you will learn:
oBasic facts about the whales- what they eat, what their unique characteristics are, how they play, how far they can swim, etc.
oHow whales feed
oA few fun facts like the biggest whale, the smallest one, the fastest, the deepest diver, etc.
oThe unique and fascinating things whales can do, like breaching and spouting
oLearn in depth information about a few kinds of whales such as the beluga whale, humpback whale, right whale, blue whale, sperm whale and bowhead whale
oLearn what makes each of these whale types unique from each other

You also get to learn that despite their enormous sizes, whales are very vulnerable. Humans are the greatest threat to whales. They are being hunted for food, blubber, teeth and other parts of their massive bodies.

Read this book today and enter the world of these fascinating creatures. See them in pictures and find out just how amazing they are. For example, these whales may be large and may seem to move slowly but they do know how to have fun. They love to play in the water with other whales. They can also communicate with each other.
Want more fun facts? Read this book today!

Free on 12th - 14th Mar 17
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