Have you ever wished that you knew back then what you know now? What’s Wrong With Me: A Girl’s Book of Lessons Learned, Inspiration and Advice, is a part-memoir and part self-help young adult guide to encourage teen girls and young women in various areas of life, in an easygoing, conversational style. The messages in this book educate and empower young women in every facet of their lives, including: accepting their identity, dating relationships, dealing with toxic friends and family members, avoiding or delaying premarital sex, building self-esteem, developing a positive attitude, dressing for success, setting goals, spending money wisely, handling anger and depression, and embracing their singleness, and discovering their life purpose.
The Portal and the Panther (YA Fantasy Series, Guardians of the Portal Book 1)
BEYOND (BEYOND Series Book 1)
Riding With James Dean
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