Marriage is a sacred bond that is shared between a man and woman, which has been created by God to glorify him. A partnership between two people to offer one another commitment and support with an unfailing love that lasts a lifetime. It’s a wonderful thought, but what happens when one of you decides that they no longer wish to be tied in to this sacrament? People always have the choice to exercise free will and it isn’t always a happy outcome. One bad choice leads to another and then a snowball affect occurs. Unwillingly, one or both parties can alter their lives completely, leaving scars that will forever remind them of the past. The bible warns us about being unequally yoked, and sometimes, despite our obedience to God, we ignore the signs and proceed in spite of our awareness of future complications.
I can tell you what happens, because I was one of the unlucky ones, whose husband decided that neither me nor God were as significant as his Ungodly young love interest. Self-esteem is shattered, faith is nearly lost, and hope is so far in the distance it can’t even be seen with the most powerful telescope. In my thirty-six years among this earth I have never been so hollow internally, or consumed with such desolation. This is not an autobiography, but rather a tool to help women heal the pain of separation/divorce, by putting their faith in God. This is a book about fighting the devil, and taking back what he has stolen from you…your sanity! Sometimes it is vital to put on the armor of God, and stand your ground in battle. My personal story is essential in order to educate my readers regarding some of the mistakes I have made throughout my journey of recovery. Please keep in mind that the purpose of this book is to teach, not as an expert, but as someone who has been there and knows exactly what is required to heal.
Sometimes, even the greatest of effort can bear no fruit, and that is when we must decide to lay down and accept defeat, or we can choose to rise above and emerge shining in a radiant light of faith, hope and love.
Rejection is one the most devastating feelings to conquer, but if we learn to focus on those that haven’t rejected us we will begin to shine. God NEVER rejects us; in fact He is always with us, even when we aren’t so pleasant to be around.
Over the past four years I have been forced to learn what it’s like to live for myself. I’ve discovered things about myself that I would have otherwise never known. I have suffered a terrible spiritual drought that I thought would haunt me for the rest of my life, but I was wrong. God was still very present in my life; He was just waiting for me to discover what He himself had already known. He had a plan in mind that involved a journey of self discovery. He wanted me to fall in love with life itself…my life.
Through every trial is a lesson and it is the lessons in life that offer the greatest wisdom and spiritual growth. Although evil prevailed and adultery destroyed my marriage, I have recovered through the mercifulness bestowed upon me by God. I am a fighter and therefore I refused to let their sin destroy me. The Foo Fighters said it best when they sang “Is someone getting the best of you.” My ex husband and his mistress did get the best of me, for a very long time, but not anymore. I am getting the best of me, and I am doing the best things for me.
This is my opportunity to help other women heal the pain in their hearts, and create the life that they’ve always desired. We are no longer two but one. We are one but with God, and He will see to it that all of our desires come into fruition. Together, we will put our faith in God and trust that we are exactly where we are meant to be. No more questioning God’s motives or doubting the master plan. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives; let’s not waste it on regret, anger, sadness or un
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