
Free on 28th Sep 14 - 2nd Oct 14
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Traditional and alternative treatment options to help you get back on the track

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Prevention is always better than cure. This may sound old but it’s by no means wrong. In this book, I shall walk you through Winning the Race against Runner’s Knee: Effective Treatment to Speeding up the Healing from its origin and causes to recovery and getting back on the field again. I hope that this book would encourage you to know more about the sport and prevent injuries that might occur.

A sport that is cheap and easy (no need for a team, fancy equipment or a court) is running. Whether you live in a big city or near lush forests, the busy streets and muddy paths could already take you a step closer to a healthier lifestyle. All you need to do is warm-up and you’re good to go. It would also be advantageous to know more about the sport by doing research to be able to at least be familiar with the basic precautionary measures that could be taken.

There is nothing more exhilarating than being fit and having fun in the process. Being physically active does not only improve your health, it also boosts a person’s confidence and alleviates stress.

There is no question that running has its benefits. However, like any other sport, when not executed properly, it could cause major problems in the long term. Repetitive impact on the joints can cause damage and serious pain.

I felt the need to write this book to inform aspiring marathon runners or triathletes about the basics of the sport; its pros and cons as well as proper practice techniques. Furthermore, I also want to share the importance of preventing the development of injuries and the quickest road to recovery.

This book contains practical information about the risks and benefits of running as well as prevention and treatment options for injuries that it could cause. The purpose of this book is to help its readers be familiar with the symptoms, causes, as well as fast and effective treatment options for one of the most common running injury: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome a.k.a Runner’s Knee.

By the end of this book, you would be familiar with not just traditional but also alternative treatment options that could help you get back on the track in the most efficient and effective way possible. I hope that by reading this book you would be able to win the race against Runner’s Knee.

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Tags: knee pain, knee pain cure, knee pain exercises, knees, running injuries, running knee, runner’s knee treatment, runner’s knee exercises, runner’s knee symptoms, runner’s knee recovery time, patellofemoral pain syndrome, runner’s knee stretches

Free on 28th Sep 14 - 2nd Oct 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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