Writing an eBook asks some fundamental questions:
Why do we write? – What to write about? – What to do next?
Answers and personal revelations are recounted through the four characters;
Best Seller, Elvis, Vincent and Gradlon who indulge in a spot of
‘Round Table Coming Together’ and some spelunking of the collective consciousness (SCC).
Followed by a quasi stream of consciousness by Best Seller around Writers Block,
Personal Responsibility, Knowledge, the UUA principle, Reviews
and of course how long ‘should’ an eBook be?
With a final return to SCC and the ultimate question: Publish?
The conclusion is aptly illustrated by a ternacci and the story ends with a tounge in cheek question…
Writing an eBook: is an eBook to muse over whilst gently sipping a Cappuccino.
Remember the mantra “Ew era ton enola.”
*Be warned: Writing an eBook is not a How to… eBook*