
Free on 30th Nov 14 - 2nd Dec 14
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Writing Basics: A Beginner’s Guide On How To Write A Romance Novel

Are you looking to cash in on the red hot “Romance” genre/niche? Do you have dreams of writing a bestseller romantic novel someday? Let’s make someday come very soon!

Romance novels are some of the bestselling books – both for self publishers and for mainstream publishing houses. They inspire the creative juices of both aspiring and experienced authors – often resulting in some of their best work. It all starts with a romantic novel seed in the heart of the writer. But that seed must be nurtured until it begins to blossom into the passionate drama becomes so vivid the readers imagine themselves as the hero or heroine. Do you have that vision to see the story with all its twists and turns come to life at the tips of your fingers? Do you also have a need to hone writing skills until the pen (or computer) burns with unrequited love? One day soon it may be your words conveying an intimate love story for eager readers who have impatiently waited four whole months for the next book in your series. Do you want to develop an audience of loyal readers who will always want to read your captivating romance novels? This book will teach you how to craft your words until they capture the emotions of your readers and have them trembling inside inside waiting for your next bestseller.

Here is a preview of what you will learn in Writing Basics: A beginner’s guide on how to write a romance novel

Three steps to get started with your contentWhat to include in the first few pages: some important questions to answerHow to use the 16 steps of the ladder method to create a lovable heroSix tips to keep writer’s block at bayLearn how to write believable romantic dialogue. Includes the three functions of dialogue in a story.Learn 6 tips on how to keep writer’s block at baySome final bits of advice you won’t want to miss! If you do, you’ll miss the heart of romantic fantasy.Download your copy today! This is one of those books you should plan to read several times before moving on to any others on the subject. Its simplicity is part of its value, but don’t underestimate the power of the advice provided by the authors.

ACT NOW! Scroll to the top of the screen and click the ‘BUY’ button! You can begin reading Writing Basics: A Beginner’s Guide on How to Write a Romance Novel on your Kindle device, computer, tablet or smartphone.

Tags: writing basics, writing for beginners, creative writing novel, writing love stories,writing tools, writing romantic, how to write romance,

Free on 30th Nov 14 - 2nd Dec 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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