
Free on 12th - 16th Aug 13
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Pages: 345

PREPARE TO BE STUNNED: Karl Rove went out of his way recently to personally insult the author face to face, ranting that the book is “a poorly researched piece of trash.” A few days later, Wright brought Dennis Miller to tears of laughter discussing WTF. Readers of Mark Steyn and Ann Coulter will particularly enjoy this work.In other words, the book is on target!

Using stories, analogy, history and enough humor to keep you on grinning, Wright tags Rove and the Republican establishment – and the entire ruling class culture in fact – with a reality lesson that is an easy and inspirational read. The work elicits equal parts “finally someone said that” and “never thought about it like that” responses – as that strange unsettled feeling you have about Washington Republicans is clarified like never before.

While written in response to the 2012 election, this prophetic book is relevant to future elections, and more importantly, astonishingly pertinent to todays big issues – including the IRS scandal, Obama Care, the NSA scandal, the Pigford scandal, immigration reform and others. If timing is everything, then this book is everything.

From an author who has written extensively for years about the economy, politics, business, the Tea Party and the Republican establishment for Breitbart and American Thinker, this work is not a second guessing or Monday morning quarterback piece. Join Wright ahead of the curve, and you’ll see why some think he is the next hot conservative prophet and author. Written in the same conversational style that has won him many friends in the talk radio and cable universe over the past weeks, this journey is like a stimulating dinner conversation.

There is no book that examines the Republican establishment this way, and no book Rove and his consultant cronies fear as much. And there is no book as perfect for the current civil war within conservatism – making complex issues simple and connecting all these dots seamlessly to the bigger currents of tension in the country as well.

Free on 12th - 16th Aug 13
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