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Yoga 101 For Beginners

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at $4.99. Read on PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

The World of Yoga

The world of yoga is a strange and sometimes overwhelming place. Peculiar names and terms like the cobra pose, upward facing dog and the mountain pose pop up constantly when looking into the practice of yoga. Images of fit and happy people bending their body into frankly odd and seemly painful poses affront the sense. Legs bent over heads, backs bent at strange angles, fingers effortlessly touching the ground, all done without breaking a sweat. People make it out like the practice of yoga is easy. That your body will bend like a pretzel and it will feel good. But it is not like this. When first starting out with yoga it can be very difficult to get the hang of strange names and strange poses, this is why this book is perfect for beginners.

Start Your Quest In Yoga

This ebook will grant you the tools and knowledge which will make your quest into the practice of yoga seamless and easy. It will first introduce you to the yoga essential terms and phases, so when someone talks the yoga talk you can talk right on back. It will then clearly and precisely list all the benefits the regular practice of yoga can have on your body and mind. This is basically just the push needed to get you to finally shake off the dust from that yoga mat that’s been stuffed in the back of your closet for eons. And lastly, this book will list the top ten essential poses any yoga novice should have in their arsenal, from downward facing dog to the mountain. Each pose will have easy steps and tips so you can learn the move easily as well as individual benefits for each yoga pose. This book is essential reading for anyone starting off their yoga adventure!

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Yoga 101: Terms and Phases Explained The Benefits of yoga: How Yoga can benefit your Body, Mind and WellbeingWhat in the world is a downward facing dog and why should I do one?Top 10 Yoga Poses For BeginnersHow to Relax After Doing YogaMuch, much more!

Get started today!

Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount of only

$0.99! Improve the quality of your life and start enjoying the benefits of Yoga.

Tags: Yoga, Yoga for beginners, Yoga poses, Yoga sutra, Yoga meditation, Meditation and yoga, Yoga for weight loss, Yoga books, meditation, Yoga History, Schools of Yoga, Yoga Benefits, Chakra Yoga, Mindfulness, Spirituality, Chakras, Yoga Tai Chi, Yoga Weight Loss For Beginners

Free on 8th - 12th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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